Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Crop Layout and Scrap~tures Challenge

Here is one last challenge from last weekend's online crop at Scrap~tures.

This is Christa's Just One Challenge. The object of the challenge was to only use products from one line of paper.

Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Layout and a Card

Was busy again last night. I made a card for a challenge from the Oldies but Goodies crop  and a layout for another challenge. Both at Scrap~tures!

Chelle's An Affair to Remember Challenge

from January 16th's Tuesday's Temptation!
Done using the January scrapbook kit available from the Scrap~tures store. The line is called Simple Stories Year-o-graphy. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More Oldies but Goodies Crop

Here are a few more challenges that I did for the crop. These are challenges posted by other talented ladies at Scraptures.

Christa's The Colour Purple Challenge

Teresa's The Man I Love Challenge

 Chelle's Beautiful Girls Challenge

Christa's Young At Heart Challenge 

Look for more to come. The crop may be over, but you have until Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 5pm to post your layouts. 

Thanks for looking!

Oldies but Goodies Crop

The past weekend Scraptures hosted a weekend long online crop. The theme was Oldies but Goodies, based on movies titles. I created 4 challenges for the crop. Here they are.....

For this challenge, I wanted to see sports themed layouts.

This challenge, you were to do a music based layout...could be about yourself, your child, your favourite band, etc.

This layout I based on the song Somewhere Over The Rainbow and the challenge was to use the colours of the rainbow in your layout

For this one, I did something a little different. I created a perpetual birthday calendar that I can use to record birthdays and store cards I make.

Head on over to Scraptures, you have until Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 5pm to do the challenges and maybe win some prizes!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Cards

This past weekend, we got to go to visit friends of ours who had twins back in October. They had a boy and a girl. You may remember that I made keepsake cans for a shower gift for them back in August. They had a boy and a girl...Freddie and Rosalyn. They are soooooo cute! As baby gifts, my Mom lovingly sewed quits, knitted sweaters and car seat blankets for each of the babies for me (thanks Mom...you're the best!). Here are the cards that I included with the gifts.

I am "Vary" happy with how the cars turned out and Zoe loved them too!

When I made the can, I said that I would add the baby's names later. Here is a picture of the cans with the names added this morning.

I love the final product!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Come one....COME ALL!!!!!!!

I am "Vary" excited to announce that the weekend of January 20-22 Scrap~tures is have their very first crop of the 2012 year!!!!! How exciting is that I ask?

The theme for the weekend is "Oldies but Goodies" and is based on old movie titles. The crop starts a 4pm on Friday night and runs until 4pm on Sunday with challenges and games scattered throughout the weekend. The best part is that you can crop at home, in your jammies and you done have to pack all your stuff up and lug it with you!

You will have until Wednesday, January 25th at 9pm to complete the challenges and get them uploaded. 

Head on over to the forums and register so that you can participate. We love getting new friends. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wow 2012 Already!

Can't believe that it is 2012 already. 2011 just seemed to fly by. Wishing all my friends a very healthy and happy New Year!